Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tool 9

I can see how using screencast could help the teachers video a lesson on some of our basics, show it, and then save it for review or to show again next year. Teachers could trade their screencasts, giving the children a variety of teaching methods.

Skype would be a great way to converse with an author, another classroom, and children from different parts of the word. It would be great to use with parents as a new way of communicating.

I can see good possibilities in both programs for use in our classrooms.


  1. I like the idea of connecting through Skype with authors! Such an authentic learning experience. I hope you are able to use it successfully!

  2. Hi Judy! I like the idea of using screencast as a way to video lessons and share with other teachers for ideas, mentoring, etc. I hope you're enjoying your summer.
